Monday, September 14, 2020

More in the Office

Look at this! We have drawers and we have counter tops. It's going to be amazing to have a office again. We have a specific spot for our desktop where I will be working and Kory will have his own desk with his laptop. 

This week I was able to clean out our filing cabinet. I couldn't tell you the last time I cleaned that big boy out. I found things that I didn't even know I had. For instance, I found Kory's and mine 1st tax return we filed after we got married. That's right our 2001 tax return . I also had both of our 1999 and 2000 tax return we both filed as single. I had 21 years of tax returns! Why??? I have no idea why I still had them.  It felt so good to get rid of so much "old" paperwork. 

We still have a little bit of organization and some electrical work to do. On the far right of Kory's desk we will have a book shelf. Kory gave me 6 big and deep drawers on the bottom. Right now the kiddo's have picked one drawer to keep their homeschooling books in. I've got 4 empty drawers! Since this cabinet was a last minute thing we have to wait a few weeks for our granite guy to come up with a scrap piece that matches what we have. Once it's on top Kory will bring home the top piece that will be open shelves. That is where our boxes of books will find their new home. 

 I know it's a complete mess. But I was so excited to take a picture of our "new" space. Kory had a massage client this week. He was able to do it in our new office. 

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