Saturday, February 15, 2020

Garage and the Old Chicken Coop

Our garage is about done!
Kory was able to finish painting the garage this past weekend. 
And Monday, our garage door was installed. 
I love the way it looks. 

The guys that did our stucco bought our chickens from us. We've wanted to tear down the old coop. It was nasty, falling apart and full of bugs and spiders. The gate wouldn't open without a hefty shove. every time it rained it was nothing but a muddy mess. The chicken wire had some pretty big holes and the previous owners covered them with whatever they had. When Kory lifted the coop up with his skid steer numerous mice ran out from underneath. So glad it's gone! 

It's hard to believe and I'm sure he got some crazy looks but the chicken coop was placed right on top of the trailer and away it went to the dump. 
It's gone!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Master Bath Floor

Monday for family home evening we laid the bathroom floor in the master bath. 

It's easy enough to do but took us a minute to figure it out. Because it's a floating floor we aren't gluing it in place. And so it moves way to easy! To keep it on the line so that it would all be straight we had the kids come in and stand on our first few rows. They just had to stand on it to keep it from moving on us. Karson (Hunter's friend) was over so we recruited his help. 

Emily and Brayden did their homework while standing there. 

It looks AMAZING! Now we can do baseboard, paint it and then get the bathtub hooked up. Kory can build the vanity and we can go pick up a toilet. 

It's going to be great!

Monday, February 10, 2020

Tape & Texture

This week we got an unexpected phone call. We just had a real cold front move in and our tape and texture guys are "frozen" out of their Beaver, Ut job. They asked if we wanted them to come finish our house. Ummm ya! That's a no brainer! 

So we had one night to hussle and get everything out of those front rooms again!
Kory decided to go ahead and hang up the lights in the master bath to help get rid of the clutter. 

Despite following the directions for the master tub our water was to far into the wall and the fixture wouldn't reach. So Kory had to cut a hole in our newly painted wall to extend the water. Our tape and texture guy will do their thing on this spot when they are here. 

We had to get all the stuff out of our front entryway. That meant our 2 refrigerators and deep freeze. Now they are all in the kitchen where one day they will find their permanent home.  

Our kitchen has a new look again. Just thankful its functional. 

I don't love the oven sitting in the middle of the floor but at least I still have one. It's been cold this week and we've been super busy so it's been nice to bake a pizza or throw in a freezer meal.   

On Tuesday they came and just taped the seams. 

On Wednesday they put the 2nd coat on the seams and covered the screw nails.  

On Thursday they textured the ceiling and walls. 

On Saturday morning they came back and sanded it so that we can start painting. 

During the week we worked in the master bedroom. Had to grind the floor and pour some more self leveling cement so that it will be ready for carpet one day soon. 

In the master bath we had to cut concrete for what I hope will be the very last time ever!
Had to find our bathtub drain. 

We got it all stubbed out and ready to install our bathtub. Just got to get the flooring done now. 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Carpet and Stucco

Friday, Feb 8th
This past week we moved our master bedroom. Most was put into the closet. We even moved our bed into Hunter's old/future room.

This morning I woke up, swung my legs over the bed and curled my toes into carpet. I cried!
I haven't had carpet in my bedroom since we moved into this house. The floor wasn't cold, it was soft and cushy. It felt so good!

Our stucco guys also came back and put the finishing coat on. It's looking so good. 

We have about 6 guys here working on it. They say they will be done by the end of the day. 

Master Shower

People keep asking what's left on the house?  The upstairs is 100% complete. Yay!! There are 3 things left in the kitchen, 1) Back splas...