Friday, May 24, 2019

The roof

Monday  May 20th- Thursday 24th

This week has been a bit crazy. It's been the last week of school, it's rained every single day this week AND Kylie my 7 year old fell off the monkeybars at school and broke her arm in 2 places! She broke her wrist and her humerous (above her elbow). Her doctor was to busy to see her so I had to take her to the Insta Care where they confirmed it was broke and would need a cast. But Insta Care doesn't do casts! For reals? So they put her in a temporary and we got to see her regular doctor 2 days later for her real cast. Good news is that it should be able to come off in 4 weeks.  But needless to say it's been a little rough this week but we have survived. 

In between rain storms on Monday we were able to put the ice shield and felt on the roof. This will at least keep the rain from coming in on the new part of the house.  

We were also able to sheet most of the house. We left a few openings on purpose so that we can get in and out easier since we don't have stairs yet. 

Before putting the roof on we had to get the fascia done on the side of the house. 
Boy was that high up!

On Friday the rain had stopped, the roof was dried so we hit it hard. We used the skid steer to lift our roofing supplies as high as it could go. Standing on the roof of the front part of the house we could lean over and pull them off and then carry them to the new roof. It sure beat trying to carry them up a ladder or me having to lift them over my head to someone up above. There big, awkward and we had way too many to do it that way. 

Hunter was an awesome help! I brought the sheets to Kory, he would screw them down on the top and bottom so they wouldn't slide off and the Hunter would finish screwing them down. 

We got it almost completely done!

We have one sheet that needs to be split to use it on the end piece. We also still need to put the ridge cap on. Under the ridge cap there is a black foam strip we lay down first which keeps bees, wasps and other flying insects from making there homes under the tin in all the ridges. Of course the company was out of the foam stuff, depsite the order that was placed 4 day's earlier. Sheesh!
When we get the foam we can finish the roof.

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