Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Insulation Felt

Thursday, June 27th

Our bid for someone else to do the insulation wasn't very impressive. Being it can get pretty hot here it was reccomended by a few contractor friends, "google" and insulation websites to have our attic blown in at a R-49 to R-60. The hotter/colder the climate the larger number we needed to have a energy effecient home. Although we requested this the bid was only for a R-39. We needed the little wall that will go around our attic storage insulated too. The bid showed bats instead of blowing it in, also not what we asked for.  For our exterior walls we were told to do a R-30, the bid was for R-21. We will also need the last half of the garage blown in and downstairs in the future kitchen, office and master bath/closet. The total bid came in at $5856 and it wasn't what we were asking. We wanted more! We want an energy effecient home. So after a few phone calls and watching YouTube Videos we decided to do it ourselves so we know what we are actually getting. 

Kory and I headed to Home Depot and Lowes to see what we could do ourselves. If we bought 30 bags of insualtion (approx 1,000 sq ft) we could rent the blower for free for 24 hours. Unfortunately neither store carried the felt. It could be ordered for us but wouldn't be here until mid July. It's over 100 degrees upstairs. It's close to 90 downstairs when we go to bed. It's hot and we've got to do something! So we ordered the felt off of Amazon and ended up spending about $50 more. Not to bad.

Our felt was delivered Wednesday night! So Kory and I hung the felt by ourselves in one of the bedrooms/closet. Took us a minute to figure out a "good" system but we got it.  On Thursday Emily and I hung the felt on the rest of the walls upstairs. Hunter was gone all week at EFY and Maddie was at a cousins house for the week. Being just Emily and I it took us a little longer than it did Kory and I but we did it. After working 10+ hours the upstairs was complete! 

I never did get a picture of the final project. Emily just couldn't hold the roll on top of our tall ladder tight enough for us to get the ceiling so we waited for Dad to come help. It was an exhausting, hot day but so happy to know we should beable to turn on our AC this weekend!

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