Monday, August 27, 2018

Another wall down!

Monday, August 27th was a short day at school for all of my kiddo's. I mentioned to them that morning that I'd like there help when they get home to help me tear down another wall. This wall is the only wall in the house that was NOT brick so I knew it would be easy!

I forgot to take a before picture. Ughhhh. So this wall we removed was separating the future master bedroom from the existing bathroom. The wall went between the middle window and the right window in the above picture (can see where it was on the floor, looks like a shadow). Anyways it went across the room to the light purple spot on the wall between the yellow and green paint of the picture below.  

Hunter had knocked 2 holes in the wall when I realized I had to go pick up the 2 youngest kiddo's from the bus stop. By the time I got back the wall was gone and they were just finishing up sweeping. Hunter, Madelyn and Emily had done it in less than 45 minutes! 
Now we can finish laying out the master bedroom and make sure it is big enough!

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Hunters Room Complete!

Tuesday Kory brought home the closet inserts and we got those bad boys installed!

The kids are so excited! They have never had drawers this big in their entire lifes. They kept telling me they aren't going to have enough clothes to fill them up. They are absolutely right! But that's o.k. 

All we're waiting on now is the drawer fronts and closet rods. We're going to do that once the drawer fronts come in. Kory's ordered them. They were suppose to be here last Friday but they didn't come with the delivery.  Being it was Labor Day weekend we really couldn't do anything about it. Hopefully they will come later this week and we can move their clothes in. 

This room is going to be Hunter's. We were going to move him and Brayden into it. However Hunter said he was fine sleeping in the front room with the older girls until we get the next room done. So I moved Kylie into the room with Brayden. These are the two that still play with toys, make messes and go to bed at the same time but earlier than the three oldest.  It's going to be so nice!

Kory had some of the drawer fronts so we went ahead and installed them. 

It is super, super nice having the toys out of my front room. 
This is absolutely awesome to have a room done and two of my kids back into one. Brayden and Kylie that night acted as if it was Christmas Day. They could see all their toys and books that they haven't seen for quite some time. 

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Roof Part 2

Saturday, Aug 25th

We were really hoping to finish the roof today. But it didn't happen. 
The valley (more brown piece running up the crevice of the roof) was installed last week but we didn't get the very top part done because it still needed felt and it got to dark and we knew we didn't have the "right" sheets to put up anyways. So this morning Kory, Hunter and I started by laying the felt across the garage roof and then the ice shield. Then we began laying out the sheets over the garage. When we got to the valley Kory didn't want to have to cut the diagnal ends quite yet so we went to the other side. 

It didn't take us to long till we got to the valley, had to install the valley and then started cutting the diagnol pieces. But we got this side completely done! We do need to put the ridge cap on the top but can't do that till we finish the other side. We've also got to put the roof on over the back of the garage that is also the garags back door overhang.  It's pretty small and shouldn't take that long. 

We went to finish the front of the house and realized we were out of the "valley" piece. Ugh.... So frustrated with this company! So Kory and Hunter then spent the rest of the night putting the screws into what we had alread laid out. 

I really, really hope that we can get the rest of the roof done in one more Saturday! 

Friday, August 24, 2018

Painting Hunter's Room

Our first bedroom is so close to being done! I can hardly believe it. Kory has worked almost everynight this past week trying to get it finished. He painted the ceiling twice in one night!

The following evening he primed and painted our walls. 
 Then we hung the baseboards and installed a light! 
WooHoo we can see after dark in this room now. 

Another night we taped off the walls so that the baseboards could be painted. 
This took FOREVER, just saying.... 

And then it was done! I love the colors I chose. I love the way it turned out. 

We're going to install the closets this week and then I'm moving some kiddo's in. 
Can not wait!

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Roof Part 1

 Saturday, August 18th came bright and early. At 6:30 in the morning (yep it was still dark) Kory, Hunter and I were on the roof scraping off shingles. Maddie had just left for her first volleyball tournament. Lucky her!
We worked and worked and worked! By 10 that morning most of the shingles had been removed on the part of the roof that we were working on. The sheeting underneath those shingles wasn't the best so a roofer friend told us to just lay new sheeting on top and we'd be fine. So that's what we started doing. However, when we came to the part of the roof that the old swamp cooler use to sit that leaked for many years we almost fell through the roof! So Hunter and Kory pulled those nasty sheets off giving me some skylights!

Removing those old sheets caused the roof to not have the same thickness so Kory cut strips of board and tacked them onto the trusses (same width as the 1st layer sheet was), then he was able to nail on the new sheet. It wasn't terribly hard just super time consuming. Working on the roof in 98+ weather was NOT fun either. Just sayin......

Finally it was time to "felt" the roof. 

A different roofer friend came over to help!
Thank you!
He showed us a few tricks of the trade so things would go a little smoother. 

While we were on the roof, the littles were picking up the shingles that had "missed" the trailer. 

This sweet girl kept finding shingles that looked like animals. 
This was her penguin! 

Unfortunately this was about all we got done for the day. The 19 sheets to go over the garage are wrong.  They are 8 inches to short. Just a $800 loss! 
How did this mistake happen? Let me tell ya! Kory took in a sketching of the house with all the dimensions that he had measured to the roofing company. The salesman then entered those measurements into his computer program. He then printed out an "estimate" for Kory to look at. It said something like, Quantity; 6  length 18'9. There were 13 lines of these quantities and measurements and different lengths. The system is suppose to "minimize" the amounts of sheets needed so we don't have a ton of left overs. Some of the sheets can be cut into 2-3 pieces. Kory looked it over and said something like, you are the one who knows what he's doing.  I guess that's what we need.  Once it was ordered there are no changes and no returns.  Well the salesman swapped the height and length measurements over the garage causing 19 sheets (the bulk of our inventory) to be the wrong size.  To say we weren't happy is an understatement!

Not only were we sent the wrong size but the salesman also left off the moisture/ice roll that goes on the edge of the roof on the bottom. Nor did he send the foam that goes under the bottom of  metal roofing to help with moisture control and it keeps bee's and wasps from being able to nest under the grooves. We had to take a 2 1/2 break to run to Home Depot before we could install a single sheet. So frustrating!

When Kory called the salesman on Monday he was basically told that there is nothing he could do. Because Kory accepted the estimate with the demensions listed incorrectly we are hosed! The worse part is that this company is acting like it's all our fault! They aren't awknowledging that they played any part in this. This is just so wrong. That's like saying Kory was given the correct measurements but entered them wrong into his computer program for a client. But hey..... he sends a layout to the customer and they approve it not knowing that one of those cabinets are wrong. When that client goes to install it and it obviously doens't fit Kory would never say, "well sorry! You accepted my proposal it's your loss!". So dumb! 

What a long day Saturday was! Those dang metal sheets take a ton of screws. Kory was on the roof till 9:30 that night screwing them down. 

Those dang sky lights I had for a moment caused a ginormous mess!
I had just cleaned (swept and even vaccumed) the laundry room that Thursday. Then I get to deal with this AGAIN! I am beyond tired of these kind of messes. I spent most of my day on the roof with Kory and Hunter. I was tired, hot and my muscles were telling me they were done.  

So I left my super messy laundry room alone. 
And cleaned it on Monday. So glad I had this room cleaned that day instead of putting it off!
Monday night we got an unexpected rain storm and our roof leaked. It did NOT leak in our nearly finished bedroom but it did leak around the edges of the new roof. My laundry room's floor was quite wet. So glad I was able to soak up the floor with some towells and didn't have the above mess being soaking wet too!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Saturday, August 11

Instead of finishing the boys bedroom like I really, really wanted we worked outside instead. It's great knowing we've almost gone one bedroom finished but how great would it be to have both bedrooms done. The 2nd bedroom is framed, electrical done and also insulated. All it needs is sheet rock, tape and textured and painted. But when it rains.....the roof leaks super bad in that room. We don't want to get that room finished just to have it ruined during the next rain storm. So we need to get the roof fixed. Ughhhhh

Before we can replace the roof the fascia needed to be done. So we spent most of our Saturday hanging it. We took a 4 hour break during the hottest part of the day. Kory needed to meet with a client up on Kolob so we took our little kayaks and hung out at the lake for little bit while we were up there. Got to do something fun knowing school was starting 2 days later. When we got home we finished. The whole front of the house and sides (parts of the house we've replaced with a stick framing) is done. 

Kory has ordered the supplies we need to put the new roof on. Hoping we can get that done in one day, this Saturday. 

The boys room is coming along, just more slowly. The bedroom door is now hung as of Tuesday night. Kory's hoping Thursday/Friday we can do the baseboards and get them painted so he can install the closet. So maybe, just maybe next week my boys can move themselves into that room! I can hardly wait. It will be so nice to have 2 beds, a dresser and hanging rack out of my front room. Hahahaha

Friday, August 10, 2018


We were gone this past weekend to our last family reunion for the summer. School starts for my kiddo's in 3 days. I was really hoping to get my boys into their room by then but I don't think we're going to make it. We got home from our reunion Sunday night. Kory painted the walls Monday night. Tuesday he worked late and didn't get home until after 8pm so nothing got done. The ceiling got painted Wednesday afternoon/evening.  

 I'm loving the contrast in colors. Its going to look so awesome!

Thursday evening Kory hung the ceiling fan, installed all the electrical outlets and light switches. We've got power again! It's great! He also installed the closet door. 

We've got to install the bedroom door and baseboards and then Kory can paint those. Kory's guys are building the closet drawers and shoe racks this week. Once we've got the base boards on and painted then Kory will install the closet stuff. We are so close!
I am so excited!

Master Shower

People keep asking what's left on the house?  The upstairs is 100% complete. Yay!! There are 3 things left in the kitchen, 1) Back splas...