Saturday, Aug 25th
We were really hoping to finish the roof today. But it didn't happen.
The valley (more brown piece running up the crevice of the roof) was installed last week but we didn't get the very top part done because it still needed felt and it got to dark and we knew we didn't have the "right" sheets to put up anyways. So this morning Kory, Hunter and I started by laying the felt across the garage roof and then the ice shield. Then we began laying out the sheets over the garage. When we got to the valley Kory didn't want to have to cut the diagnal ends quite yet so we went to the other side.

It didn't take us to long till we got to the valley, had to install the valley and then started cutting the diagnol pieces. But we got this side completely done! We do need to put the ridge cap on the top but can't do that till we finish the other side. We've also got to put the roof on over the back of the garage that is also the garags back door overhang. It's pretty small and shouldn't take that long.
We went to finish the front of the house and realized we were out of the "valley" piece. Ugh.... So frustrated with this company! So Kory and Hunter then spent the rest of the night putting the screws into what we had alread laid out.
I really, really hope that we can get the rest of the roof done in one more Saturday!
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