Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Kory's mom was going to host Thanksgiving this year. Knowing her house was to small she tried to reserve her church building. Someone beat her to it. So she tried to reserve the town hall in Alton, someone else had already reserved it. So Holly tried to reserve her church and their town hall in Antimony, again someone had already reserved it. So we offered our home. At the beginning we had 6 of the 8 siblings coming. We were going to have 70+ people here. Yikes!

I won't lie, I was excited to finally have our home finished enough that we felt like we could host Thanksgiving. Kory wanted to finish the baseboards. Most of it had been done already. 

Unfortunately, we lost our employee of almost 2 years last month. He moved his family to Panguitch. We've had a real hard time replacing him. Kory has worked late into each evening and most weekends. The plan was to spray the baseboards and trim the weekend before Thanksgiving. Kory had also told his cousin from up north that he could come down and Kory would finish helping him design his kitchen and start building it. There isn't enough hours in our one day weekends. 
Since Kory wasn't around the kiddo's and I got it ready to spray. It's crazy how long the prep time takes!

Emily blowing the dust from the trim after we sanded it down. 

After sanding and wiping the dust from the floor the girls started taping off the floor. 

Kylie wiping the floors trying to stay ahead of the girls taping. 
She wasn't a fan of the job. 

Brayden was also helping wiping the dust from the floor so the tape would stick. 

Hunter and Maddie working well with each other. 

It took hours, and hours to get it all ready. 
This is the front entryway leading into the family room.

Down the hallway.

A portion of the family room.

Just one wall in the kitchen. 

The Pantry.

We had to push everything to the center of the room. Our freezer has been sitting in the middle of my front room for weeks. We haven't wanted to move it into the pantry until the baseboards were painted. 

The house has been a mess for a week. 
Just waiting on Kory to find the time to spray. 

It didn't happen over the weekend like we were planning but it did happen the day BEFORE Thanksgiving. The morning of, we were ripping off the paper and tape, moving the freezer, taking the old stove outside and moving furniture around. I wasn't sure if it was going to happen but it did! 

Everything got painted except for the master bedroom and bath. We actually ran out of trim so the master bedroom has a little more work to do. The bathroom is ready to be sprayed. It's taped and everything, just didn't get to it. Some day, hopefully soon! 

Master Shower

People keep asking what's left on the house?  The upstairs is 100% complete. Yay!! There are 3 things left in the kitchen, 1) Back splas...