Sunday, March 4, 2018

Another trench

It's official. I have a love/hate relationship with Saturdays. I love Saturdays knowing we are working on our house and that it's putting us one step closer to the final project. However, I hate the mess it makes! I seriously think I clean my house more than anyone in the world right now! And I am grateful that I have a house to clean so much. Saturday morning Kory wasn't exactly sure what he wanted to do so I had the kids jump in and help me. We cleaned the bathrooms, dusted (I don't know why I waste my time) and swept the house. It didn't us too long all working together. When we were done Kory had learned we can get cement on Tuesday. * A guy in our ward has his own cement company. When he's done with a job he fills an old tub in the back of his truck with the left over cement that would normally be washed out into a field. He brings it to us and Kory literally fills our holes with it. Awesome guy!* And so knowing we had access to cement Kory decided that we needed to saw cut again knowing we could get cement again. I think this is the worse thing ever! I get water all over and then mud! I seriously do not like the mess this makes!!!! 

And so where that wall was that we took down last Saturday I now have a trench. This is where a wall at some point will be placed. It will separate the master bedroom from the master bath. But more importantly this spot will need to support the exterior wall of the future upstairs. Knowing there will be a lot of weight on this spot Kory wanted to make sure the foundation will hold it. Knowing the current foundation is 2 cement blocks on top of each other surrounded by dirt we needed to fix it!

While Kory was cutting Brayden was shoveling the dirt pile I have had in my room since October away from the trench. I sure love this little man!

Kylie was excited she had her own job. She took the vacuum and sucked up the water that the saw was spitting out.  

When the trench was cut Hunter took the sledge hammer to the cement. Its always amazing how quickly the cement breaks away.  After Hunter broke the cement these 3, Emily, Brayden and Kylie picked up the broken cement and rocks. 

I'm glad they can smile while we work together.  

What a dirty, muddy job. 

It didn't take too long before all the water, loose dirt and rocks were sucked up. This process really isn't hard its just messy! It only took us about 4 hours to do this 16 ft long trench. 
I learned last time it's much easier to do the final clean up when the water/mud has dried. It sweeps so much easier.  

We removed the first layer of brick and left the bottom. On Tuesday that cement will fill the brick and the holes around it making us a nice stem wall/foundation for our upstairs. 

So while waiting for it to dry Kory decided we might as well continue that wall support on the other side of the house. It is only about 7 ft long so half of what we had already done.  He figured since we had the saw out and the mess in the bathroom we might as well finish. However this wall was in the way! So before we could saw cut we had to knock down another wall. 

Good bye! 

The brick walls are full of little black lava rock. They go everywhere!! 

Once again we opened a window and had the kids throw the brick out into the wheel barrel. When it was full we'd call for Hunter who would go and dump it for us.  

When the brick was gone and the black rocks swept up we removed the sheet rock that had been glued to the brick. Kory and I were able to take the 2 sheets down all at once. Super easy! 

The cement saw came out and Kory cut our trench. Hunter and Kory took turns with the sledge hammer and eventually we got it all out. This side was much more difficult to get the cement to break. We have no idea why but it took longer on this 7 foot trench then it did on the 16 foot earlier that day. But we go it. We vacuumed and swept again and got it all cleaned up. Pushed the dressers and clothes back in place and then quickly got ready to attend our adult stake conference. It was a long day! 

Everything back in it's place. 
The wall is just no longer there separating the rooms from each other. 

I'm so tired of tearing things down and making messes. I can hardly wait until we can start building and putting our house back together. One of the many lessons I am learning through this process is patience. I have always taken pride of having a clean and clutter free home. For several months now I can still say my home is clean but clutter free is not even possible. And I'm sure when people come over they wonder about the cleanliness just due to the way everything looks. My kids are living on top of each other. We have regular house hold items in uncoventional places. We have Madelyn's dresser sitting next to my refrigerater in my kitchen.  The younger girls dresser by my dishwasher again in my kitchen and clothes hanging above my island. 

Every Saturday I tell myself and remind a child here and there that we can do hard things! I remind myself and my family that we are one day closer to finishing this major project we took on! 

Another wall gone.....

Another week has gone by and we are still getting rain and sometimes a little skif of snow. And it is still super cold! I know it's not as cold as it could be or even in other parts of Utah. But I can honestly say it isn't the easiest living in a house that rarely gets above 62 degrees. It's cold inside! Quite often we wake up and our room is 52 degrees. The same room that has had a gas heater running all night long. Brrrrrr! Next week the temps are suppose to be a little higher and I can hardly wait! 

 Saturday, Feb 31st we worked inside. Kory and Hunter took out the wall separating our old closet wall and bedroom. He also put in a window that was framed a few weeks ago. It's so nice having natural light in our room! We haven't had a working window since we moved in. In fact for several weeks our light wasn't working in our closet and I had to use a flashlight to make sure I was picking my two black shoes or my two brown shoes. 

At the very top of the wall was about 2 cement blocks deep just. They were filled with cement with a huge wire running through them. Super heavy and super hard to break apart. But they eventually got it. The girls and Brayden then threw the old brick out the window. It allowed us to move that stuff a little quicker this week. 

Unfortunately that brick ran into my kitchen too. Luckily Hunter noticed that our kitchen cabinet was coming away from the wall every time Kory beat on those dang bricks.

So I lost my cabinet for the day.
Hunter took it off so nothing got broken and then they hung it back up Sunday after church for me. 

It's a never ending mess! 

My bathroom. Sometimes I just want to cry. Knowing I'm covered in yuck and dust and so looking forward to a shower but knowing all that has to be cleaned up before I get that shower. Ugh....

We save the ripped out wood to burn since we are running a little low on firewood.  
I don't know what's worse the tarrying everything down or the cleaning everything up so that we can live in it. 

Look at all that new wood. Most of it came from my old closet. 
Hunter cut the long pieces short enough to put in our wood burning stove and then these two moved it from my closet closer to the fire. They are good helpers and love it when they have a job to help too. 

We had pizza again for lunch! It is so hard to stop and break away to feed everyone. I try to make 2 extra meals during the week and freeze them. One is intended for lunch on Saturday and the other is for dinner. This week I just didn't get to it so.... I ran out and bought a pizza for lunch and fixed spaghetti for dinner. 

And she's all cleaned up!

We've had mice in this house and bugs galore. I don't like mice and I really don't like bugs either!

It's just crazy to see the lack of seal this house has. This is whats left of the wall that separates our current family room from my kitchen. We have seen numerous mice run into this wall. Looks like they had plenty of space to go to. One day soon, I'm sure this wall will also go.  

Friday, March 2, 2018

Removing Some..... Old Insulation

It might be Feb 17th but I think it's finally official, winter has found us. We have had an abnormal winter so far. And we aren't complaining. In the state that our house is in we are very thankful for the warmer than usual weather. It's still been cold like high 40's/ low 50's during the night and high 50's/ low 60's during the day but we have been able to stay warm inside. This past week however oh my goodness! It is not fun waking up INSIDE your house and seeing your bedroom is at 52 degrees. Especially knowing your bedroom gas fireplace has been running all night long and so has the wood burning stove just on the other side of your room. We got cold this week!  We are also being blessed with moisture. It has rained and rained and rained!

The best way to stay warm right now is to work. So that's just what we did on Saturday. We weren't going to replace the existing ceiling sheet rock. Or even remove the old insulation, we were just going to add to it. However we are quite often finding dead, skelitalized birds and mice in the attic along with spiders galore. So we decided to we wanted a fresh start. Hunter climbed into the attic and using his feet broke the sheet rock and pushed it all down allowing everything to fall to the ground.  He knocked everything to the ground in Madelyn's old room, the girls old room and the laundry room.  

For the next 4.5 hours the girls and I using shovels scooped up all that nasty insulation and put it in big black garbage bags.  
(Emily and Madelyn)

It really was a nasty job for the day. 

By the time we had everything picked up and swept clean once again we had 4 garbage cans stuffed with the old sheet rock. 

And 19 huge black garbage bags full of  the old insulation. 

Glad those rooms are done. 
So not looking forward to doing the same thing in the rest of the house. 

Master Shower

People keep asking what's left on the house?  The upstairs is 100% complete. Yay!! There are 3 things left in the kitchen, 1) Back splas...