Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Saturday, August 11

Instead of finishing the boys bedroom like I really, really wanted we worked outside instead. It's great knowing we've almost gone one bedroom finished but how great would it be to have both bedrooms done. The 2nd bedroom is framed, electrical done and also insulated. All it needs is sheet rock, tape and textured and painted. But when it rains.....the roof leaks super bad in that room. We don't want to get that room finished just to have it ruined during the next rain storm. So we need to get the roof fixed. Ughhhhh

Before we can replace the roof the fascia needed to be done. So we spent most of our Saturday hanging it. We took a 4 hour break during the hottest part of the day. Kory needed to meet with a client up on Kolob so we took our little kayaks and hung out at the lake for little bit while we were up there. Got to do something fun knowing school was starting 2 days later. When we got home we finished. The whole front of the house and sides (parts of the house we've replaced with a stick framing) is done. 

Kory has ordered the supplies we need to put the new roof on. Hoping we can get that done in one day, this Saturday. 

The boys room is coming along, just more slowly. The bedroom door is now hung as of Tuesday night. Kory's hoping Thursday/Friday we can do the baseboards and get them painted so he can install the closet. So maybe, just maybe next week my boys can move themselves into that room! I can hardly wait. It will be so nice to have 2 beds, a dresser and hanging rack out of my front room. Hahahaha

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