Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The taping begins.

It's happening!
Monday, Dec 30th Kory and I were up before 6 and got the kids up at 7 to finish moving some bigger things up stairs before our tape and texture guy showed up.  We were told they would be here "first thing",  which ended up not being till 10am. At least we were ready.  They got the 1st coat over the seams done before they went home for the day. They didn't get the whole house though. Just the kitchen/pantry, office, Hunter's room, master bath and closet. But hey it's at least a start.   

They came back Tuesday morning again at 10am and got the 2nd coat on the seems and the 1st coat on the nail holes. It was then that I learned they don't have time to do the rest of the house. I'll admit I've been fighting tears since I heard it. I'm disappointed. They aren't getting to the garage, the family room, entryway, master bedroom and hallway. Those were all the rooms that we have been busting our behinds to get cleaned out. Those were our storage rooms, the rooms we kept tools in, the rooms we had our makeshift pantry. We spent hours moving all that stuff for no reason. There was no where to put them so it's been shoved into our fruit room, outside, in the already full shed and upstairs. I can't put my Christmas décor and tree away because we used some of the boxes for crap and my tree box is buried in the shed. Kory kept telling me it's only going to be about 2-3 weeks and then everything can have it's home again. We can live like this for that long. But......this isn't so! We were told they have several houses to do and some small patch jobs before they can come back. They know we are ready and will get here as soon as they can.  I just want to cry! But I'm trying really, really hard to be thankful for the part they are getting to.  

This is our kitchen. 

Our dining room

It will all eventually get done! It will all one day have it's very own place. Until then we will manage. When it's not rainy and windy outside I will have to pull stuff out of the shed so I can put up Christmas. I don't have the patience to have it out for more than just another week or two. As time moves and these rooms get finished we'll start putting stuff in corners again, the tools that we use that can't go outside. I will get my laundry room and fruit room back. I will manage. We are so close to being done. 

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