One Saturday morning, Kory decided that it would be a "great" day to dig in our new water/sewer line. It took all day long..... It wasn't necessarily hard work just very time consuming work. First Kory and Hunter took a wet cement saw and cut our trench lines. It ran through the middle on my current bedroom (where the future master toilet will go) under the wall that separates Madelyn's room from ours, through her room the hall and all the way through the girls room. While they were cutting I was taking a ginormous sledge hammer and breaking up the cement pieces, then dragging them out of the house using a wheel barrel. Once all the cement was out the fun part began. We dug, dug and dug! Where the future toilet was didn't have to be too deep, just about 12 inches however the sewer line needed to be going down a constant slope out to the city sewer hook up line. We don't want toilets that back up due to the lack of gravity!
Our first little hick up was at the above pictures point. We hit center block, the old footing separating our current bedroom to the bathroom/closet. We had to dig a little deeper to go underneath it. Then Kory decided we should probably just take the top brick out and let the cement seep into the bottom one's for extra strength since the house has had issues with the footings. Then we got to Madelyn's room where once again we hit concrete making us dig deeper than we had planned.
We didn't bother moving furniture out of the rooms, we just pushed everything to the side.
Once the 4+ foot deep trench was dug we layed the new sewer pipe.
Once everything was in we covered it all back in with dirt. However we had a few piles of extra dirt that we would be needing soon so just left them in the corners.
I won't lie it was a hard day. We were all sore and tired and had used muscles that we didn't even know we had. And the dirt was everywhere!!! It was all over my house from us tracking it all over to the wheel barrel that was going in and out all day. That night I was in the shower when Kory came in. He said "We screwed up! You're not going to like this..." he then proceeded to tell me that after we put in the sewer line we were suppose to put in the water line too. We totally forgot to put in the water line. What the heck!!!!! We get to dig it all back up again one day to add the dang water line. I'll admit.... I shed a few frustrated tears that night in the shower!
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