Monday, October 29, 2018

A week of Misery!

This week has not been our best! 
We were so excited to know that the framing was done last weekend and we could move on with other things. We are so close to being done with this part of the house. We've really accomplished a lot these past 10 months! When this front portion is done we're going to sit back and enjoy it. We're not going to start on the back half until next Spring!

Sunday night Kory wasn't feeling well and was hoping he could "sleep off" whatever it was that was bothering him. It didn't work! Pretty sure he finally came down with whatever the kids and I had the week of Fall Break. He was super sick Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday he came home for lunch and never went back. Thursday he worked the whole day but came home super tired. Friday he had an install to do in Kanab. It was the first day he felt almost normal. He still needed the toilet quite a bit but he no longer had a fever or the chills. He felt like he was going to live through this.....

When he got home Friday afternoon several parts for my parents quad had come in the mail that he and Hunter had been waiting on. Not wanting to waste daylight they both spent 2-3 hours replacing the broken parts and putting the quad back together. They took it down to my parents house with the intention of making sure the new brake line was fixed, the break fluid wasn't leaking and a few other things were working correctly. Kory and I were going out that night, it was almost dark and so they wouldn't be long!  Kory said after driving it around for a few minutes everything seemed fine and he was ready to back the quad up into the shed and come home. He doesn't know what exactly happend. He knows he put the quad in reverse to back it down the driveway and into the shed. But the next thing he knew he was flying through the air. He found himself lying on his back with the air knocked out of him about 10 feet from the quad. Hunter didn't see the accident happen but was there and was able to help him up. 

We spent our date night at the InstaCare. 
He broke his collar bone in 3 different places and has a few cracked ribs. 

The discouragement we felt that night can not even be described! Kory's already a man down at the shop. He's got several houses that are all going to be ready for their install at the same time.  Our house is always cold, winter's around the corner and we've got so much work to do to get get the house sealed before we can turn on our heater. We both felt miserable.... but also thankful that was the extent to his injuries. It could have been worse!

 Saturday morning, Oct 27th he still wanted to work on the house. He kept his arm in a sling, an ice pack underneath and took a few IB Profen. 

My dad was able to come over and help for a few hours. We finished installing our can lights, ceiling fans and air ducts in the family room. 

Then we pulled the wires!
We've got a few switches and electrical outlets that still need to be done in the Family room. Then we can move in to the master bedroom and bathroom. I don't know how but we will get through this!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Framing is done!

Friday, October 19th
Kory took the day off from cabinets and worked on our own house today. Tomorrow he is taking Hunter hunting since it's the first day of his hunt. He only has 7 days. Eeek! Madelyn has a local Volleyabll tournament tomorrow so I'm going to go with her and watch them all day. It will give us a nice break from the house. I feel like we've been working every night for 2 weeks straight!  

 Kory and his Dad finished the framing today. WooHoo!

They had to put the top plate around the laundryroom/bathroom. They also framed in the doorways to the future laundry room, bathroom and master bedroom. Then using a level they made sure the walls were straight and tall and put a temporary brace up to hold it in place until we can get it all sheetrocked. 

This will be the laundry room doorway.

 The bathroom doorway. The big white thing is the current shower. We're almost ready to switch over to the new plumbing. WooHoo!

 And the master bedroom doorway.

After the framing we had a little extra time to install the 3 can lights that will go down the hallway!
Now that all the walls are all up we can finish the electrical, sheetrock, hire our tape and texture guy to come back over and then we can start painting. I really, really hope we can have it all done by Christmas. But I'm not sure we're going to make that. 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Fall Break

Oh my goodness!
This past week has been a little rough. It didn't help that I and three of our kids all had the flu at the same time. Only having one toilet to share was a problem several times. But we're all feeling better now, thank goodness!

Last week was our Fall Break. Kids didn't have school Oct 11/12 (Thur/Fri).  The kids got to do whatever they wanted on Thursday knowing that we were taking the back part of the roof off on Friday. For 2 days it was a "all man on deck" kind of day. 

On Friday the kids and I started by taking the shingles off while Kory was with clients. Due to the way our roof and house sits I had the hardest time taking a picture of what it looked like before from the ground. So unfortunatley I can't show you. 
Here's Maddie and Emily hard at work.

At mid-day when Kory came home for lunch he and hunter removed the old over build while the other kids and I kept on the shingles. There were 3 layers of shingles on the roof. So crazy! This was seriously hard physical labor!

These pictures I took in front of the house. They would step over the peak of the house, walk down the part of the roof we did a few weeks ago and then throw the material into the dump bed trailer.  

I took this picture standing in our attic. Kory and Hunter had removed 1/2 of the overhang and we still had shingles left to remove. Oh joy! You can still see the other half of the overhang on the left. That was part of our attic. This overhang was the 2nd roof put on this house. 

When the shingles were done and the roof swept we layed out new sheeting on top of the old. There were some pretty "sketchy" sheets up there. I really thought one of us may just fall through they were so bad. 

Removing the last part of the overhang.

Taking off the old overhang left a massive whole in our roof. 

Looking up from inside the house.

Once again I had a major mess inside!  

This is my bathroom!
I can hardly wait for the day that after a long days work I can climb into the shower without having to clean it first! I am so DONE with this!

Before we could finish sheeting the roof with new sheets the "cut" trusses needed to be fixed. It took several hours on Saturday to fix them but with Kory's Dad's help they got it done. 

 When the trusses were fixed Grandpa and Hunter finished laying out the new sheeting. 

When the new sheeting was layed down we began working on the "new" over build.  

We had to replace the over build because we added on that small part to the back. 
The old overhang ended at the corner seen inside the green circle. When it rained all the water went down the valley and landed on the ground right there. Well because we added that room which will be the office we needed to reroute the water and lengthen the overhang so it actually covered the whole roof like it was suppose to. So the new overhang will end inside the red circle and will allow the water run off to land once again off the house. 

This is what the new overbuild looks like from the front of the house. 

With Grandpas help 3/4 of the overhang was built but only 1/2 of it was sheeted before it got to dark and we had to call it a night. We ended up living the entire week with that huge hole in the roof.

Hurricane is obviously known for being windy! Every single day the wind blew! Everytime it blew it blew debri and dust fell down into my house from the attic. 
 I cleaned and cleaned Monday and Tuesday. By Wednesday I had had it. I was done. I just couldn't be bothered anymore!

The back of my kitchen sink just looked dirty and nasty!

My stove was covered in debri constantly!
The dresser behind my stove was also covered! That's my big pan that I make pancakes, french toast, egg in the middle of toast, etc with. I had to wash it every morning because it would look like this by the next morning.  It was so irritating!

Its hard to tell with all the stuff on it but that's my dresser! I could clean it off and then after kids got ready for school I'd have the gel, hair tyes and other stuff thrown back on top. By the next day it would be covered with dirt, insulation and sand AGAIN!

If the dirtiness wasn't enough to bother me the cold about sent me over the edge. Because we had a huge hole in our roof our house was always cold! We actually sent the three older kids to spend the night at Grandmas all week because it was so cold at night.  That thermostat reads 54 degrees! It was cold!  

The little kids were able to stay in their own bedroom. Using a space heater at night we were able to keep their bedroom over 70 degrees. They loved how warm there bedroom always was. Our master bedroom has a gas fireplace. The highest we got our room was 66 degrees. But we didn't leave the fireplace on 24/7. I would turn it on after dinner so my room would be above 60 degrees when we went to bed. When we got up it would be between 63-66 degrees. I'd turn it off, wake up my little kids and we'd go to Grandma's. At Grandma's house I'd fix breakfast, everyone would get ready for school and then I'd get everyone there. I would then come home wearing a coat and clean the dang mess the wind had caused the previous afternoon and night. I was asked to work 2 of those days at H&R Block and I jumped right on it. I did not want to be home. The other few days I spent at the grocery store, running every imaginable errand I could find and at my mom's. My house was just too cold to be in. It was so frustrating that outside it would be 70+ but inside it was usually below 60.  

Every single night this week we worked on the roof. We eventually finished building the over hang, we sheeted the over hang and then Kory hung house wrap right up against the split in the house to keep the wind out.  We finished thursday night, Oct 18th! We lived 6 days with a partial roof!

When the overbuild was sheeted it almost made it worse inside. It was like the wind would get caught underneath and it would blow even harder in the house. While taking a shower the wind would grab the shower curtain and blow it all over. It was CRAZY to see it and just made it even more cold. 

I lost my skylight in my bathroom!
I took this picture sitting on the toilet looking up.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Conference Weekend

We have worked so hard this week! I feel like every night this week we've done a little something or another. That concrete was a big job on top of all the little things. 

Saturday Oct 6, was General Conference Weekend. We spent the morning session listening and watching in front of the tv. I think we were a bit tired from our busy week. We still listened to the afternoon session but we worked while we did it. Kory was able to get the gas line completed for the  dryer. 

We also ran the "internet" wires to Braydens future bedroom. 

Now that the concrete is in we also finished framing in the wall and walkway into our future laundry room.  
It's looking good! As tired as we are it feels so good to see so much happen this past week.

Friday, October 5, 2018


I was beginning to wonder if we'd actually get concrete last night but the truck finally showed up. It was almost 6pm but it did arrive!

Darren Bradshaw came over and helped us again. We've got a nice little pad poured under the garage back door overhang. 

What was the kitchen but will now be the laundry room.

Hunter and Kory did a great job!

Looks good to me!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Ready for concrete

Today is Thursday, Oct 4th!
We are getting concrete this afternoon!

I am so ready to be done with all the dirt INSIDE my house. Even though I sweep at least once a dayand quite often more I still get dirt tracked all over the place. 

We've got rock and rebar installed. We've covered all the drains with saran wrap so the concrete won't get on the drains themselves. I'm quite excited.....

Kory also formed up 2 different spots outside for concrete. This first one is going to be just outside the garage back door. It will give us a little walkway under the small porch. This is also where we'd like to keep the garbage cans. We'll be able to install that door once the concrete sets. 

The 2nd spot is on the other side of the house. This is where the AC condenser will sit.  Once it's hooked up we can technically use the AC/Heater. We just got to finish installing all the ducts. 

 I hate it when we have to pour cement in the house. It's always so messy! So happy this should be the last time! Once that cement is poured we can finish framing in the walls and then things will go pretty quickly....I hope!

I need my bathroom back

It's only been a week without a bathroom sink but seriously this just might be my breaking point! I really, really don't know how long I can take this. Without a bathroom sink means that all 7 of us get to brush our teeth in my kitchen sink two times a day. NASTY!!!! How clean is your kids bathroom sink right now? I bet you got smeared toothpaste, spit and all sorts of stuff on the inside of the bowl. Surely my kids bathroom sink wasn't the only one??? 

I feel like I keep a pretty clean house. Kitchen dishes included. But I have come to realize this past week that despite the fact I do pretty good staying on top of my dishes my sink is rarely empty! Like almost never! I do the dishes after every meal but seems like there's a lone fork, cup or something that gets found and thrown into the sink. Bedtime is ususally the time I have issues with that lone item or two that was found. I can NOT handle my kids spitting and rinsing their mouth on my dirty dishes. That seriously grosses me out. Mornings are the absolute WORSE! Everyone's eaten breakfast, everyones put their dishes in the sink and then after their dressed, hairs done and what not they come back in to brush their teeth.... in my sink of breakfast dishes! No way!!! Not only are dishes now in the sink but chances are my very limited counter space still has a pile of pots and pans that were hand washed the night before and left to air dry because I am lazy like that. To many mornings after everyones left I come in to put away those said clean dishes to find toothpaste and now dried spit bubbles on them! If that wasn't enough... because we no longer have our "toothbrush/paste drawer" or a bathroom counter guess where all the toothbrushes and toothpaste get left? On my dang KITCHEN counter!  I can NOT handle this! 

Just for fun.... here is Maddie and Kylie brushing their teeth one morning before school.     

So a little bit each night we have worked on the new plumbing for the house. We are getting our new plumbing in so we can get a real bathroom back again. I NEED a bathroom again! 

 We've got the water line, and the sewer line in for both the bathroom and the laundry room. While everything was open and easilly accessible we added a drain for the laundry room just in case one day our water heater or washer springs a leak and trys to flood us out!

On Saturday, Sept 29th Kory finished the plumbing and burrying everything. Hunter and Brayden went up in the attic to finish sucking out all the insulation. We are so close. This is all thats left!

Brayden loves helping!
 When the boys were done the girls and I tore out the sheetrock and hauled it outside. We then spent some time taking out all the nails left in the trusses. We swept our mess, swept some more and swept a 3rd time. That insulation and sheetrock dust goes all over the place. When I felt like we got it all I mopped and we moved all the beds back into that room.  It feels so good to know we are done with this part! 

Master Shower

People keep asking what's left on the house?  The upstairs is 100% complete. Yay!! There are 3 things left in the kitchen, 1) Back splas...