Thursday, October 4, 2018

Ready for concrete

Today is Thursday, Oct 4th!
We are getting concrete this afternoon!

I am so ready to be done with all the dirt INSIDE my house. Even though I sweep at least once a dayand quite often more I still get dirt tracked all over the place. 

We've got rock and rebar installed. We've covered all the drains with saran wrap so the concrete won't get on the drains themselves. I'm quite excited.....

Kory also formed up 2 different spots outside for concrete. This first one is going to be just outside the garage back door. It will give us a little walkway under the small porch. This is also where we'd like to keep the garbage cans. We'll be able to install that door once the concrete sets. 

The 2nd spot is on the other side of the house. This is where the AC condenser will sit.  Once it's hooked up we can technically use the AC/Heater. We just got to finish installing all the ducts. 

 I hate it when we have to pour cement in the house. It's always so messy! So happy this should be the last time! Once that cement is poured we can finish framing in the walls and then things will go pretty quickly....I hope!

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