Saturday, June 15th we only had 1/2 a morning. We took our family to Manti to see the Mormon Miracle Pageant. This is the last year this big production will be performed. We had an awesome day/night as a family and away from the house for just a moment.
Before we left Kory was able to wire the 2 can lights that are in the stairwell. He also had to run a few lines of a different wire for our future A/C unit.
While we were gone Saturday our A/C guy came and began running our unit. His supplier shorted him on some of the materials so he wasn't able to finish. Hopefully he can come back this weekend and finish.

Monday, June 18th
Kory and Hunter went to the shop to work at 6am. They both came back about 2 hours later. One of our employees had thrown his back out over the weekend and called in sick. The other left a message at 3am on Kory's voicemail saying he had gotten sick during the night. So knowing Hunter had some school work (doing a summer online class) and Kory had computer work to catch up on they came home. After a few hours of sitting in front of his laptop Kory needed a break. He decided to help our cement guy get ready for our back pork to be poured hopefully later this week.
First thing he did was level the ground and push all our trash into one big pile. Over the past few weeks we have taken 10+ loads away. We have paid the dump about $500 and we decided we didnt' want to spend anymore money that way. And so we borrowed a garbage can from my parents so that each week we can load 3 garbage cans full of trash and let the garbage man take it to the dump for us. It's going slow but we are making progress.
The back pad is leveled and ready to be formed up.
It has been so rainy this Spring/early Summer. This is what my back yard looked like 3 days after it had rained last. Our house is just surrounded by mud! It's terrible.
And so after the pad was ready Kory just kept on going. He ended up getting 4 loads of AB rock. He leveled all our mud ruts we've made with our cars and laid it out nicely so we won't get quite as muddy as we have been getting.
We've got some right in front of the shed. So now we can get the quads out without worrying about the mud.
He almost got the whole side of the house too. At least the back yard, the shed and the house side door won't be quite so muddy. One day in the "far" future we will acutally pour a cement pad all the way to the shed. We'd love to put a basketball hoop above the shed and have a nice little spot to play some family ball.
He also put some more in front of our garage and driveway. We have had it here before but when we dug the water line to the back yard it got all torn up and moved. I love that it's not so "all dirt" and will help with our mud problem.
Kory did an amazing job!
At 4:20 Kory got the call that our windows had come it. Yay!!!
We took off to grab them before they closed at 5. We got there just in the nick of time. When we got home Kory called my Dad asking if he'd come help us intall them. I had to run to Cedar to pick up Emily who had spent the day with her Grandma working on one of her 10 hour YW projects. By the time I got back they were installing the last one.
This is the privacy one that was hung above the master bath.
We only have one window left to install.
However we shoved the swamp cooler through it last week to help us cool the house down at night. We don't have it hooked up to water so it just moves the air for us at night which has really helped.
Once our A/C unit is up and running we can install this last window and turn that bad boy on. It will be so nice! We are hitting the high 90's outside and so it has become an every day occorunce for our house to be 85+ come about 4pm each day. It's hot! It wipes out our energy and everyone becomes a little testy with each other not being able to escape the heat. We are all so looking forward to be able to use a AC unit. We haven't had AC in 3 years! Our swamp cooler has done a decent job until about mid July-August when our temperatures are over 110. It's just too hot. Having AC is a luxury that I hope our family will remember for a long time!
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