Thursday, May 16, 2019

Outside Water Line.

Tuesday May 7th

At the moment we have no outside water source which is real pain. So, Kory rented a mini ex for the night. He dug a nice trench from the water meter around the house and back to the chicken coop. I had to go to YW's that night so wasn't around much. Before I left Brayden had to show me that his Dad had "taught" him how to drive the mini ex. He was so excited! 

Then he taught his little sister!

By the time I got back from YW's he was covering up the trench. Now all he has to do is install the water spicket. It will be awesome to fill the chickens water by hose instead of 5 gallon buckets out of my kitchen faucet. 

So excited to use it!

He also dug a line from the house to the shed so that eventually we can put electricity out there.
That will also be an AWESOME day!

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