Thursday, May 23, 2019

Last of the Trusses

Friday May 17th
Kory has been trying really hard to make the working 4- 10 hour days at the shop work for everyone. By doing this it allows us to have 2 full days (Friday and Saturday) to work on the house. It's amazing what we can accomplish in those 2 days. Granted we quite often work 12+ hours each day. 

For the past few Friday's its just been Kory and I until the kiddo's get home about 3pm. This Friday was no different. Kory usually starts when I'm out dropping kiddo's off at school and then we jump right in working together when I get back.  We layed out the entire back wall first.

Then we slowly began to lift the walls. Of course the wind decided to pick up so with each wall we stood we had to brace it to make sure it didn't all fall down. 

My Dad came over and helped us with some of those last walls. 

By that evening we had all the exterior walls up. We also sheeted the 4 corners to help keep it stable through the night. We were hoping to get it all sheeted but the dang wind just wouldn't stop blowing! It was so warm that morning. But by mid afternoon my Dad put his long sleeve shirt back on and I was working with my hoodie. We got a little cold working today. 

Saturday, May 18th 
We finished sheeting the house. We did 3 of the 4 exterior walls. The skid steer wont fit around the house where that last little wall is. We are going to have to lift those sheets by hand on ladders. Good thing we only need about 3 of those dang sheets! We'll eventually get to that wall. 

Once the other 3 sides were sheeted we started in on the trusses!

A neighbor and a friend along with my Dad, Hunter and I worked all afternoon!
The weather was so warm today. Yesterday I worked in my hoodie and today I was wishing I had shorts on. I put sunscreen on so many times that I lost count. 

We finally got them all up. Just in time for our friend and neighbor to leave. Since we still had an hour or two of daylight we began sheeting the roof. So awesome! We worked, worked and worked until we ran out of material. We were able to get almost 1/2 the roof sheeted. Yippee! It's great to know that even if the wind picks up again our roof should be safe. 

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