Thursday, May 16, 2019

Floor Trusses

Saturday, May 11

Being it was our Father n' Sons weekend we got a little bit of a late start this morning. Kory and the boys didn't get home till a little after 10. But once they got home we jumped right in on finishing up the framing. We had this last exterior wall to build. It really was nightmare! One wrong thing after the next kept happening and it seriously took us hours to get the one wall up! But it did eventually get up! 

My Dad and brother Jonathan came up to see if they could help for a little while. Having some extra hands was great help! Together we got the entire exterior walls sheeted.

It's looking so good!

Next came the floor trusses. No one from our group has ever hung floor trusses but they ended up being so easy! A little time consuming only because at each truss Kory had to cut the old sheeting away from the front part of the house for the trusses to fit.  

It went pretty fast! 

My brother had to leave so we called a neighbor asking if he could come help me lift them to my Dad and Kory. He made those suckers look so light. 

By about 7:30pm all the trusses except the very last one was complete. Kory needs to make an adjustment to the front part of the house before we could put that one down but we are so, so close! It's been a long, long week. Besides working on the house every single day this week I've also gone on 2 field trips this week with my younger kids and had a few projects to complete for our upcoming Girls Camp. I am in charge of their journals and I needed them done by this Tuesday.  I'm exhausted! I am so looking forward to tomorrow, Sunday! 
Our day of rest!

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