I think Summer has officially come!
When it's 82 degrees in my bedroom and it's only one o' clock in the afternoon it can make life a little hard. What's worse is that the front room/kitchen is usually 7-10 degrees higher. I seriously have a hard time functioning in that kind of warm weather. I have no desire to do anything. Sweeping the floor is enough energy to cause sweat to roll down my forehead or back. It's crazy! For months during the winter I was trying to use my oven every single day to help warm up the house. Whether it is fresh baked cookies or dinner in the oven. Now that its getting warmer outside the oven is off limits! We barbeque, have taco salad and use the crock pot.
Kory finally decided that it was time to set up our swamp cooler. We had to find a different window this year since the one we used last year is no longer here. It has been so nice to be able to cool down the house again. We are all a little bit more happier now.
Saturday, May 12th
Kory wanted to hang up our new electrical box. But first we had to put the wrap on for the future stucco.
Kory and Hunter marking where the box will be placed.
And it's in.
Once the box was up we ran the wire through the conduit. Kory and Hunter was pushing it in on one side while I standing on a 8ft ladder pulling it out the other side. After lots of pushing and pulling we finally got it through. Now we just need the city to come hook it up!

This week our HVAC guys came and unloaded a huge trailer full of stuff!
So excited to see this all here. Over the next couple of days we are going to have our air conditioner/ heater installed.
Not that we can use it yet since so much of our house is not sealed in. But it's awesome knowing we are going to have it again. This coming winter we are not going to have to rely only our wood burner stove! It's going to be awesome not eating breakfast in our coats because the house is 58 degrees.
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