Friday, March 2, 2018

Removing Some..... Old Insulation

It might be Feb 17th but I think it's finally official, winter has found us. We have had an abnormal winter so far. And we aren't complaining. In the state that our house is in we are very thankful for the warmer than usual weather. It's still been cold like high 40's/ low 50's during the night and high 50's/ low 60's during the day but we have been able to stay warm inside. This past week however oh my goodness! It is not fun waking up INSIDE your house and seeing your bedroom is at 52 degrees. Especially knowing your bedroom gas fireplace has been running all night long and so has the wood burning stove just on the other side of your room. We got cold this week!  We are also being blessed with moisture. It has rained and rained and rained!

The best way to stay warm right now is to work. So that's just what we did on Saturday. We weren't going to replace the existing ceiling sheet rock. Or even remove the old insulation, we were just going to add to it. However we are quite often finding dead, skelitalized birds and mice in the attic along with spiders galore. So we decided to we wanted a fresh start. Hunter climbed into the attic and using his feet broke the sheet rock and pushed it all down allowing everything to fall to the ground.  He knocked everything to the ground in Madelyn's old room, the girls old room and the laundry room.  

For the next 4.5 hours the girls and I using shovels scooped up all that nasty insulation and put it in big black garbage bags.  
(Emily and Madelyn)

It really was a nasty job for the day. 

By the time we had everything picked up and swept clean once again we had 4 garbage cans stuffed with the old sheet rock. 

And 19 huge black garbage bags full of  the old insulation. 

Glad those rooms are done. 
So not looking forward to doing the same thing in the rest of the house. 

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