Wednesday morning, I was in the laundry room swapping laundry around. I heard Kory calling out for me that he was home and needed my help. To my surprise he brought Mike, our employee and Hunter home to install the cabinets we have done. Good thing I had the dishes done! Kids and I quickly had to clear the table, the 3 Burner stove and get things moved out of the way for the "guys".

The cabinet to the far left in the picture will be right next to the stove. The next cabinet is the trash roll out and sink base. The empty spot is for the dishwasher and then another base cabinet.
He also brought home our office cabinets!
This is so exciting! Only half of Kory's delivery showed up this week. So we are still short some drawer slides to be able to put all the drawers in. One day.....
My kitchen is a bit interesting right now. It's been worse so I won't complain. We've got our "new" cabinets along with our "old". We can't move our sink/dishwasher yet until the counter tops are installed. We can't push the refrigerator back where it goes until the "old"cabinet is moved. So we say, "think skinny" when it comes time to do the dishes.
Refrigerator is right up against the over/microwave. Our stove is also in the middle of the room. I don't want to move it to where it's been. I don't want the feet to scratch my new flooring.
And then we've got our white cabinet. It has been my pantry, dish storage and holds the "necessities". Once we get the upper cabinets built and installed and a few more drawers installed I can get rid of it.