Monday, August 19th
Our carpet guy came back this morning! He cut a new piece of carpet for the upstairs. He also laid carpet downstairs in Brayden's bedroom. So exciting!
Monday night we re hung all the bedroom doors. Maddie and Hunter did a great job!
We have bedroom doors again. Eeeek!
Monday night I cried happy tears!
I don't know how long it's been since I've had electricity in our master bedroom. We haven't had lights or electrical outlets. We've had an extension cord running from the boys room to our room to plug in our cel phones at night. It's been this way for several months. For the most part it's not too bad. We have 3 windows above our bed so during the day we have plenty of natural light. But in the evening hours or early morning I miss it the most. Summer is quickly coming to an end. It's getting darker earlier and staying darker in the mornings. Come 9pm I'm having to use a flashlight to get to my side of the bed. 6:30 in the mornings I'm using the flashlight to pick out my clothes. It's a real struggle sometimes. Kory decided that it was finally time to hook up the electricity in our room.
And now I have light! I don't have to use a flash light anymore. Yay!
Tuesday, Aug 20th
We are getting ready to pour cement AGAIN!
Does it ever end?
I'd much rather work on the inside of the house but our cement guy has a slow week and can pour our driveway this week and so this is going to be our next project.
Using the skid steer Kory moved all our rock and leveled the front.
In just a few short hours he had it cleaned up nicely.
Wednesday, August 21st
Kory brought home our bathroom cabinets.
How freakn' awesome is this going to be?
I have a cabinet we can put towels and soaps in instead of sitting in a box on the floor.
While Kory and Hunter were installing the bathroom the rest of us brought up the furniture and things that will be in our family room for a little bit.
The office will one day be downstairs but for now we've got it all set up in the corner upstairs.
It feels amazing to have a family room again!
Thursday, August 22nd
We got concrete!
This is going to be so amazing having a concrete driveway! No more dirt.
Saturday, August 24th
The girls and I learned how to install all our vents.
Kory brought home our attic cabinets. We don't have doors or drawers yet buy they will be here soon.
Brayden and Cousin Jamie quickly turned the cabinets into a playing table for their lego creations.
We've got cabinets in the girls closets too!
I am so glad we decided to add cupboards in the stairwell too. I was able to fit 2 air matt's, 2 air mattresses and 7 sleeping bags in one cabinet! When we tape and texture the downstairs we will paint the stairwell.
What a crazy busy week but oh how we love our upstairs. Today (Sunday) we spent most of the day up there. It is so incredibly nice to have a "real" family room again!